Wednesday, October 30, 2019


คำถาม   พนักงานฝ่ายปกครองหรือตำรวจจะค้นบุคคลใดในที่สาธารณสถานได้หรือไม่
คำตอบ   มีคำพิพากษาฎีกาวินิจฉัยได้ดังนี้

คำพิพากษาฎีกาที่  8722/2555  ตาม ป.วิ.อ. มาตรา  93 บัญญัติว่า ห้ามมิให้ทำการค้นบุคคลใดในที่สาธารณสถาน เว้นแต่พนักงานฝ่ายปกครองหรือตำรวจเป็นผู้ค้นในเมื่อมีเหตุอันควรสงสัยว่าบุคคลนั้นมีสิ่งของในความครอบครองเพื่อจะใช้ในการกระทำความผิด หรือซึ่งได้มาโดยการกระทำความผิดหรือซึ่งมีไว้เป็นความผิด แสดงว่าพนักงานฝ่ายปกครองหรือตำรวจจะทำการค้นบุคคลใดในที่สาธารณสถานไม่ได้ เว้นแต่จะเข้าข้อยกเว้นของกฎหมายดังกล่าว ปรากฏว่าจุดที่จำเลยนั่งโทรศัพท์อยู่ริมถนนเป็นบริเวณหน้าสนามเด็กเล่นอยู่บทถนนสุทธาวาส ส่วนซอยโรงถ่านอยู่ริมคลองวัดโล่ หรือคลองชลประทาน แสดงว่าบริเวณที่เกิดเหตุอยู่บนถนนสุทธาวาส ไม่ได้อยู่หลังโรงถ่านตามที่สิบตำรวจโท ก. และสิบตำรวจตรี พ. อ้างว่ามีอาชญากรรมเกิดขึ้นประจำแต่อย่างใด และ และทางพิจารณาก็ไม่ปรากฎว่าจำเลยมีท่าทางพิรุธนอกจากจำเลยนั่งโทรศัพท์อยู่ริมถนนสุทธาวาสเท่านั้น การที่สิบตำรวจโท ก. และสิบตำรวจตรี พ. อ้างว่าเกิดความสงสัยในตัวจำเลยจึงขอตรวจค้นโดยไม่มีเหตุผลสนับสนุนว่าเพราะเหตุใดจึงเกิดความสงสัยในตัวจำเลย จึงเป็นข้อสงสัยที่อยู่บนพื้นฐานของความรู้สึกเพียงอย่างเดียว ถือไม่ได้ว่ามีเหตุอันสมควรสงสัยตามกฎหมายดังกล่าวที่จะทำการตรวจค้นได้ การตรวจค้นตัวจำเลยจึงไม่ชอบด้วยกฎหมาย จำเลยซึ่งถูกกระทำโดยไม่ชอบด้วยกฎหมายจึงมีสิทธิโต้แย้งและตอบโต้เพื่อป้องกันสิทธิของตน ตลอดจนเพิกเฉยไม่ปฏิบัติตามคำสั่งใด ๆ อันสืบเนื่องจากการปฏิบัติที่ไม่ชอบดังกล่าวได้ การกระทำของจำเลยจึงไม่เป็นความผิดตามที่โจทก์ฟ้อง

Sunday, October 27, 2019



Several questions need to be answered in the present context
surrounding the notion of Buddhist Law as a religious law. The
first question relates to Buddhism itself as a religion. Most
Buddhists regard the teachings of the Buddha as their religious
guidance and principles to observe. Some consider Buddhism as a
philosophy, a practical way of life. Although Buddhism may be
different from other religions of the world in that the conception
of a supreme being such as God is singularly absent from the central theme 
of the Buddha's teachings,  nonetheless, Buddhism is generally regarded 
as a religion by historians and missionaries alike.

By nature, Buddhists are modest and moderate. There are very
few fundamentalists, fanatics or extremists who truly are not
faithfully practicing Buddhism which advocates moderation and the
middle path, maj ima pada or via media.If Buddhism were not
counted as a religion, then billions of earthlings who are
Buddhists would be deemed without religion. On the other hand, it
is not untrue that a person holding the Buddhist faith can also
learn and appreciate, or tolerate and practice other faiths without
violating any Buddhist principle. Taking into account special
characteristics of Buddhism, we are persuaded that Buddhism is a
religion in human history since 600 B.C. and is likely to remain
with us for the foreseeable future.

The next question to be asked in connection with Buddhist Law
qua law is whether the religious principles derived from the
teachings of the Buddha are truly law in the sense that they are
recognized as binding in the Buddhist community and not as mere
moral precepts.

The teaching of the Buddha as recorded in the TIPITAKA (Pali)
or TRIPITAKA (Sanskrit) or TRAI PIDOK (Thai)  are divided into
three main parts (or baskets or tables as in the Law of the Twelve
Tables of Rome). They are (1) the Vinaya; (2) the Sutta (also
Suttanta) and (3) the Abhidhamma. The records were kept in Pali,
a dialect of Sanskrit, spoken by the Buddha and came to be known as
the Pali canons. The Buddha's use of Pali represents a break from
the Indian Hindu Brahmin tradition. Buddha was born a Hindu prince
and Buddhism has arisen out of Hindu tradition, but since its
inception, Buddhism has followed its own independent direction.
Sanskrit was the classical language of the Brahmins in India.
Its earliest form was Vedic (circa 1500-200 B.C.) and it is in this
language that the ancient scriptures of Hindu laws were recorded.
There is a large body of literature including the Vedas, the RigVedas,
the Upanishads, and the Bagavad Gita and the tales of the
Ramayana and the Mahabarata. After the Pali Sutras were lost in
India, they were rediscovered in Sri lanka and translated into
Sanskrit, returning to India and eventually travelling the northern
route going over Tibet and China, through Korea and Japan. There
are variables between Sanskrit and the original Pali scripts, such as Dharma (Sanskrit) for Dhamma (Pali) and Nirvana (Sanskrit) for
Nibbana (Pali) It will be seen that in the Thai language, both
Sanskrit and Pali renderings are used in the official Thai
language. In the Thai Buddhist temples, however, the chanting and
prayers are all conducted in Pali, the spoken language of the
Buddha, keeping as close as possible to the Teachings of the
Elders, or Theravada Buddhism.

The Vinayapi taka is devoted exclusively to the rules and
regulations formulated by the Buddha for the monastic conduct,
rites and ceremonies to be followed by the Orders of the Bhikkus
(monks) and Bhikkunis (female monks).~ They are divided into five
main sections and are comparable, broadly speaking, to the laws and
social norms of secular society.

True it is that the Vinaya lacks some of the elements in the
modern legal system from the perspective of the Western world.
There is no Court of Appeal, no prison wardens, no bailiffs to
compel or enforce compliance with the verdict of monastic peers,
while the most serious offenses are punishable with a form of
capitis diminutio (defrocking or derobing of a monk) The Vinaya
is nonetheless law, if only for application within the religious
Order, with inevitable repercussion for serious offenses in the
secular world. The Buddhist religious Order is a well-organized
monastic community, self -disciplined, autonomous and law abiding. 
The Suttapitaka is a collection of Sutras and dialogues of the
Buddha with his various disciples, !OJ while the Abhidharmna
constitutes a more purely philosophical elaboration of the sayings
and teachings of the Buddha. llJ They are not law in the sense of
the secular law in force in a given society, but constitute
nevertheless a code of conduct, a model of peaceful living for the
Buddhist community.

Three objects of the highest veneration 1n Buddhism are the
Buddha, the Dharmna and the Sankha, the three constituting the
RATANATTAYA or the Holy Triple Gem comparable in some respect to
the Holy Trinity. 

Source: Sucharitkul, Sompong, "Thai Law and Buddhist Law" (1998),

Thursday, October 24, 2019

ออกหมายจับแล้ว บ้านบางบัวทอง 6 คน ซ่องโจร-อนาจาร "น้องเดียร์"

ออกหมายจับแล้ว บ้านบางบัวทอง 6 คน ซ่องโจร-อนาจาร "น้องเดียร์"
ไทยรัฐออนไลน์26 ก.ย. 2562 15:29 น.

ตำรวจ สภ.บางบัวทอง ยื่นศาลนนทบุรี ขอออกหมายจับ บุคคลในปาร์ตี้บ้านบางบัวทอง กรณี "น้องเดียร์" พริตตี้อีกคน แจ้งตื่นขึ้นมาในสภาพเปลือยกาย แจ้งข้อหาซ่องโจร ร่วมกันกระทำอนาจาร 6 คน

วันที่ 26 ก.ย. ผู้สื่อข่าวรายงานว่า ศาลจังหวัดนนทบุรีได้อนุมัติหมายจับบุคคลในปาร์ตี้ “บ้านบางบัวทอง” กรณี "น้องเดียร์" พริตตี้ที่ถูกละเมิดก่อนเกิดเหตุการณ์กับ ลันลาเบล เข้าแจ้งความร้องทุกข์ โดยขอออกหมายจับผู้ต้องหา จำนวน 6 คน ในความผิดฐานซ่องโจร และร่วมกันกระทำอนาจาร

ต่อมา เวลา 13.00 น.ศาลจังหวัดนนทบุรี ได้อนุมัติหมายจับ นายชัยพล พรรณา หรือคิว อายุ 29 ปี นายนที สถิตพงษ์สถาพร หรือทิว อายุ 33 ปี น.ส.พิกุลทอง บุญตา หรือเพริส อายุ 24 ปี นายโกเมศ ฤทธิ์นิธิฤกษ์ หรือปิงปอง อายุ 35 ปี นายกฤษฎา โลหิตดี หรือ โนบิ อายุ 27 ปี และ น.ส.พัทธนันท์ รักษากุล หรือปีใหม่ อายุ 26 ปี ในข้อหาซ่องโจร และร่วมกันกระทำอนาจาร ซึ่งเบื้องต้นได้เชิญตัวผู้ต้องหา มาที่สภ.บางบัวทองแล้ว ขาดเพียงนายโนบิ ซึ่งติดภารกิจอยู่ต่างจังหวัด


News: Justice Ginsburg wins $1M prize for ideas that 'have profoundly shaped human self-understanding'

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been awarded a $1 million prize for her work pioneering gender equality and strengthening the rule of law.
Ginsburg will receive the 2019 Berggruen Prize for Philosophy & Culture, according to an Oct. 23 press release, the New York Times and the Washington Post. The annual award honors a person “whose ideas have profoundly shaped human self-understanding and advancement.”

Ginsburg will donate the prize money to charity.

Ginsburg was selected from more than 500 nominees and five finalists.

The Berggruen Institute, which was founded by billionaire philanthropist Nicolas Berggruen, has awarded the prize since 2016.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

รถยนต์หายในห้างสรรพสินค้า ห้างฯรับผิด

ฎีกาที่ 7471/2556
จำเลยเป็นห้างสรรพสินค้าขายปลีกและขายส่งสินค้าอุปโภคและบริโภค ย่อมต้องให้ความสำคัญด้านบริการต่าง ๆ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งบริการเกี่ยวกับสถานที่จอดรถซึ่งนับเป็นปัจจัยสำคัญในการตัดสินใจของลูกค้าที่จะเข้าไปซื้อสินค้าหรือใช้บริการอื่น ๆ หรือไม่ แม้ พ.ร.บ.ควบคุมอาคาร พ.ศ.2522 มาตรา 8 (9), 34 บัญญัติให้จำเลยซึ่งเป็นเจ้าของอาคารต้องจัดให้มีพื้นที่จอดรถเพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกแก่การจราจร แต่จำเลยยังต้องคำนึงและมีหน้าที่ดูแลความปลอดภัยของลูกค้าทั้งในชีวิตและทรัพย์สิน มิใช่ปล่อยให้ลูกค้าระมัดระวังหรือเสี่ยงภัยเอาเอง การที่จำเลยเคยจัดให้มีการแจกบัตรสำหรับรถของลูกค้าที่เข้ามาในห้างซึ่งเป็นวิธีการที่ค่อนข้างรัดกุม เพราะหากไม่มีบัตรผ่าน กรณีจะนำรถยนต์ออกไปจะต้องถูกตรวจสอบโดยพนักงานของจำเลย แต่ขณะเกิดเหตุกลับยกเลิกวิธีการดังกล่าวเสียโดยใช้กล้องวรจรปิดแทน เป็นเหตุให้คนร้ายสามารถเข้าออกลานจอดรถห้างฯ ของจำเลยและโจรกรรมรถได้โดยง่ายยิ่งขึ้น แม้จำเลยจะปิดประกาศว่าจะไม่รับผิดชอบต่อการสูญหายหรือเสียหายใด ๆ รวมทั้งการที่ลูกค้าก็ทราบถึงการยกเลิกการแจกบัตรจอดรถ แต่ยังนำรถเข้ามาจอดก็ตาม ก็เป็นเรื่องข้อกำหนดของจำเลยแต่ฝ่ายเดียวไม่มีผลเป็นการยกเว้นความรับผิดในการทำละเมิดของจำเลย
โจทก์ฟ้องขอให้บังคับจำเลยใช้เงินจำนวน 200,475 บาท พร้อมดอกเบี้ยอัตราร้อยละ 7.5 ต่อปี ของต้นเงิน 198,000 บาท นับถัดจากวันฟ้องเป็นต้นไปจนกว่าจะชำระเสร็จ
จำเลยให้การ ขอให้ยกฟ้อง
ระหว่างพิจารณา จำเลยยื่นคำร้องขอให้หมายเรียกบริษัททีเคเอสเซฟตี้การ์ด จำกัด เข้าเป็นจำเลยร่วม ศาลชั้นต้นอนุญาต
จำเลยร่วมให้การ ขอให้ยกฟ้อง
ศาลชั้นต้นพิพากษาให้จำเลยและจำเลยร่วม ร่วมกันใช้เงินจำนวน 198,000 บาท แก่โจทก์ พร้อมดอกเบี้ยอัตราร้อยละ 7.5 ต่อปี ของต้นเงินดังกล่าวนับแต่วันที่ 2 กรกฎาคม 2552 เป็นต้นไปจนกว่าจะชำระเสร็จ แต่ดอกเบี้ยคิดถึงวันที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน 2552 ซึ่งเป็นวันฟ้องต้องไม่เกิน 2,475 บาท กับให้จำเลยและจำเลยร่วมใช้ค่าฤชาธรรมเนียมแทนโจทก์ โดยกำหนดค่าทนายความ 6,000 บาท 
ศาลอุทธรณ์ภาค 1 พิพากษายืน ค่าฤชาธรรมเนียมชั้นอุทธรณ์ให้เป็นพับ
ศาลฎีกาวินิจฉัยว่า ปัญหาต้องวินิจฉัยตามฎีกาของจำเลยประการแรกว่า การที่รถยนต์ของ นายวินัยสูญหายเกิดจากการกระทำละเมิดของจำเลยหรือไม่ เห็นว่า จำเลยมีฐานะเป็นบริษัทจำกัด (มหาชน) มีวัตถุประสงค์ในการประกอบกิจการห้างสรรพสินค้าขายปลีกและขายส่งสินค้าอุปโภคและบริโภคต่าง ๆ ดังนี้ ลูกค้าที่มาใช้บริการยังสาขาต่าง ๆ ของจำเลย รวมทั้งสาขาลำลูกกาที่เกิดเหตุ ซึ่งเป็นผู้ที่มาอุดหนุนสินค้าของจำเลย จำเลยย่อมต้องให้ความสำคัญด้านบริการไม่ว่าจะเป็นเรื่องสินค้า ความปลอดภัย ความสะดวกสบายเพื่อสร้างความพึงพอใจและดึงดูดให้ลูกค้ามาใช้บริการและซื้อสินค้า อันจะส่งผลต่อรายได้ของจำเลยโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งบริการเกี่ยวกับสถานที่จอดรถนับเป็นปัจจัยสำคัญในการตัดสินใจของลูกค้าที่จะเข้าไปซื้อสินค้าหรือใช้บริการอื่น ๆ หรือไม่ หากจำเลยจัดสถานที่จอดรถไว้กว้างขวางมีปริมาณเพียงพอสะดวกสบายย่อมดึงดูดลูกค้าให้เข้าไปซื้อสินค้าหรือใช้บริการ ทั้งตามพระราชบัญญัติควบคุมอาคาร พ.ศ.2522 มาตรา 8 (9), 34 ยังได้บัญญัติให้เจ้าของหรือผู้ครอบครองอาคารต้องมีพื้นที่จอดรถ เพื่ออำนวยความสะดวกแก่การจราจร จำเลยก็ต้องปฏิบัติตามบทบัญญัติของกฎหมายดังกล่าวเช่นกัน ซึ่งจำเลยเองก็ยอมรับว่าการจัดสถานที่จอดรถของจำเลยเป็นไปตามพระราชบัญญัติดังกล่าว แต่อย่างไรก็ดีจำเลยยังต้องคำนึงถึงความปลอดภัยของลูกค้าทั้งในชีวิตและทรัพย์สินและมีหน้าที่ดูแลด้วยตามสมควร มิใช่ปล่อยให้ลูกค้าระมัดระวังหรือเสี่ยงภัยเอาเอง ได้ความจากนายชานุ หัวหน้าฝ่ายป้องกันการสูญหายของจำเลยสาขาลำลูกกาเบิกความว่า รถยนต์ของนายวินัยหายไปขณะจอดอยู่ในลานจอดรถของจำเลย เมื่อวันที่ 5 มิถุนายน 2552 เวลาประมาณ 15 นาฬิกา และเบิกความตอบคำถามค้านทนายโจทก์ว่า ก่อนเกิดเหตุคดีนี้ จำเลยได้จัดให้มีการแจกบัตรสำหรับรถของลูกค้าที่เข้ามาในห้างของจำเลย แต่ขณะเกิดเหตุยกเลิกไปแล้ว โดยใช้กล้องวงจรปิดแทน แสดงให้เห็นว่าเดิมจำเลยเคยใช้วิธีการแจกบัตรสำหรับรถของลูกค้า ซึ่งเป็นวิธีที่มีการตรวจสอบการเข้าออกของรถยนต์ที่เข้ามาใช้บริการในห้างสรรพสินค้าของจำเลยโดยพนักงานและค่อนข้างรัดกุมเพราะหากไม่มีบัตรผ่านเข้าออก กรณีจะนำรถยนต์ออกไปจะต้องถูกตรวจสอบโดยพนักงานของจำเลย แต่จำเลยกลับยกเลิกวิธีการดังกล่าวเสีย เป็นเหตุให้คนร้ายสามารถเข้าออกจากลานจอดรถห้างสรรพสินค้าของจำเลยและโจรกรรมรถได้ง่ายยิ่งขึ้น การที่รถยนต์ของนายวินัยสูญหายขณะที่จอดอยู่บริเวณลานจอดรถของจำเลยจึงเกิดจากความประมาทเลินเล่อของจำเลย และที่จำเลยปิดประกาศไว้ว่า จะไม่รับผิดชอบต่อการสูญหายหรือเสียหายใด ๆ ก็เป็นเรื่องข้อกำหนดของจำเลยแต่ฝ่ายเดียว ไม่มีผลเป็นการยกเว้นความรับผิดในการกระทำละเมิดของจำเลย และการที่นายวินัยหรือลูกค้าซึ่งทราบถึงการยกเลิกการแจกบัตรจอดรถ แต่ยังคงเข้ามาจอดรถเพื่อซื้อสินค้าหรือใช้บริการอื่นที่ห้างสรรพสินค้าของจำเลยจะถือว่าเป็นการเสี่ยงภัยเองของนายวินัยดังที่จำเลยอ้างมาในฎีกานั้น ไม่ต้องด้วยความเห็นของศาลฎีกา พยานหลักฐานที่โจทก์นำสืบมีน้ำหนักให้รับฟังได้มากกว่าพยานหลักฐานของจำเลย ข้อเท็จจริงฟังได้ว่าการที่รถยนต์ของนายวินัยสูญหายไปเกิดจากความประมาทเลินเล่อของจำเลย ฎีกาข้อนี้ของจำเลยฟังไม่ขึ้น
ปัญหาต้องวินิจฉัยตามฎีกาของจำเลยต่อไปว่า โจทก์รับช่วงสิทธิมาฟ้องจำเลยได้หรือไม่ เห็นว่า ประมวลกฎหมายแพ่งและพาณิชย์ มาตรา 862 บัญญัติ คำว่า "ผู้รับประโยชน์" ท่านหมายความว่า บุคคลผู้จะพึงได้รับค่าสินไหมทดแทน หรือรับจำนวนเงินใช้ให้และบัญญัติในวรรคท้ายอีกว่า ผู้เอาประกันภัยและผู้รับประโยชน์จะเป็นบุคคลคนเดียวกันก็ได้ ดังนี้ จากบทบัญญัติของกฎหมายดังกล่าว แสดงว่าสาระสำคัญในสัญญาประกันภัยประกอบด้วยคู่สัญญาอย่างน้อยสองฝ่าย ได้แก่ ผู้รับประกันภัยและผู้เอาประกันภัย ส่วนผู้รับประโยชน์จะมีหรือไม่ก็ได้ ไม่ถือเป็นสาระสำคัญ หากไม่ระบุผู้รับประโยชน์ไว้ ก็ต้องถือว่าผู้เอาประกันภัยในฐานะคู่สัญญาประกันภัยเป็นผู้รับประโยชน์ เมื่อกรมธรรม์ประกันภัย นายวินัยเป็นผู้เอาประกันภัย จึงเป็นผู้รับประโยชน์ตามบทบัญญัติของกฎหมายข้างต้น ดังนี้ โจทก์ซึ่งเป็นผู้รับประกันภัยรถยนต์ของนายวินัยที่ถูกคนร้ายลักไป เมื่อได้ใช้ค่าสินไหมทดแทนให้แก่บริษัทกรุงไทย ออโต้ลีส จำกัด เจ้าของกรรมสิทธิ์ที่นายวินัยเช่าซื้อมาโดยความยินยอมของนายวินัย จึงรับช่วงสิทธิของนายวินัยผู้เอาประกันภัยในอันจะฟ้องเรียกค่าสินไหมทดแทนที่ตนได้ชดใช้จากจำเลยผู้ทำละเมิดได้ ตามประมวลกฎหมายแพ่งและพาณิชย์ มาตรา 226 ฎีกาข้อนี้ของจำเลยฟังไม่ขึ้นเช่นกัน
ปัญหาต้องวินิจฉัยตามฎีกาของจำเลยประการสุดท้ายว่า ค่าเสียหายที่โจทก์เรียกร้องมานั้นสูงเกินส่วนหรือไม่ จำเลยฎีกาว่า รถยนต์ของนายวินัยเป็นรถเก่าที่ผ่านการใช้งานมาแล้วไม่ใช่รถใหม่ป้ายแดง นายวินัยใช้รถมาแล้วประมาณ 3 ถึง 4 ปี ได้รับวงเงินประกันภัยไม่เกิน 200,000 บาท ผ่านการใช้งานหนักและเสื่อมสภาพ ค่าเสียหายจึงไม่เกิน 100,000 บาท โจทก์มิได้หักค่าเสื่อมราคาของรถจึงไม่ชอบนั้น ปรากฏว่าในชั้นพิจารณาคดีของศาลชั้นต้น จำเลยกลับไม่นำสืบรายละเอียดให้ได้ความตามที่อ้างมาในคำให้การและในฎีกา เมื่อโจทก์มีหลักฐานว่าได้ชดใช้ค่าสินไหมทดแทนให้แก่บริษัทกรุงไทย ออโต้ลีส จำกัด ซึ่งเป็นเจ้าของกรรมสิทธิ์รถยนต์เป็นจำนวนเงินในวงเงินที่เอาประกันภัยไว้ จึงรับช่วงสิทธิมาเรียกให้จำเลยชดใช้ค่าสินไหมทดแทนที่โจทก์ได้ชำระไปแล้วได้ ฎีกาของจำเลยในข้อนี้ฟังไม่ขึ้นอีกเช่นกัน
พิพากษายืน ค่าฤชาธรรมเนียมในชั้นฎีกาให้เป็นพับ

Monday, October 21, 2019

News: Kasem wins favourable Appeal Court ruling in his case accusing son of fraud in share transfer

The Appeal Court on October 16 overruled the lower court’s decision to reject a petition by Kasem Narongdej accusing his son Nop and Nop's mother-in-law, Khunying Korkaew Boonyachinda, of allegedly using fake documents for the transfer of shares of Wind Energy Holding (WEH).
The Criminal Court, on November 31 last year, had dismissed Kasem’s complaint against Nop, Khunying Korkaew, and an associate.
In August last year, Kasem, the co-founder of KPN Group, had approached the Criminal Court accusing Nop, Khunying Korkaew, as well as Surat Joncharaporn, the director of a Hong Kong-based firm Golden Music Ltd, for allegedly collaborating and using fake documents featuring Kasam’s “forged signature” to transfer 99.99 per cent shares of Golden Music to Khunying Korkaew.
Golden Music has a 37.8 per cent stake in WEH.
Source: The Nation 

A Crime

Crimes have elements, and these elements are always present regardless of what crime is committed.  A crime consists of:

1.       the actus reus (an external element also known as the guilty act or the prohibited conduct)

2.       the mens rea (an internal element also known as the guilty mind)


Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea is a maxim which succinctly captures the whole essence of criminal law. It roughly translates to “an act is not guilty unless the mind is equally guilty”. There cannot be a crime if one element is missing.


Once it is established that both the internal and external element are present, one will then turn to the defences, specifically the lack thereof. The accused’s lawyers must show a proper defence to mitigate the charge against him. If none can be shown, the person can then be properly punished.

Source: Criminal Law, SS Production App.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Thai child trafficker sentenced to record 374 years in jail

BANGKOK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A Thai trafficker was sentenced to a record 374 years in jail for child trafficking in a ruling that lawyers say will send a deterrent to other criminals.
Yuttana Kodsap, 31, was found guilty of child trafficking for the purpose of pornography after he lured children aged 7-12 to play computer games at his house where he filmed sexual acts with them and sold the videos on a chat app, police said.
A court in Thailand's southern province of Phang Nga sentenced him to 374 years in jail for his crimes and ordered him to pay 800,000 Thai baht ($26,000) in compensation to each of the five victims, according to court documents provided to the Thomson Reuters Foundation by the Court of Justice.

The case was the second trafficking case in Thailand in which offenders were sentenced to more than 300 years in jail. Last year the criminal court sentenced three men to up to 309 years each for trafficking children for prostitution.

In both cases, courts capped the imprisonment period at 50 years in accordance with Thai law.

Papop Siamhan, an independent lawyer with expertise in human trafficking, said child prostitution cases resulted in long prison sentences because they often involved several laws and many children.
"Long prison sentences will act as a deterrent because people will be afraid to commit such crimes, and it will also result in authorities and judges being more careful when handling such cases," he said. 

Earlier this year the United States praised Thailand for sentencing convicted traffickers and complicit officials to significant prison terms in its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report.

Thailand was ranked as a Tier 2 country in the report, meaning it is making significant efforts to combat the crime.

Since January this year, courts have handed down 170 prison sentences in trafficking cases of which 74 were sentences of more than 10 years,according to the Court of Justice.

Archana Kotecha, Asia region director and head of legal at anti-slavery charity Liberty Shared, said long sentences can be effective deterrents when they are addressed at kingpins in trafficking cases and not low level offenders.

But she said this must be accompanied by seizure of assets which should be used to pay compensation to victims.

"Deterrence aimed at the freedom and assets of offenders is likely more effective and holistic as it takes into account the need to compensate victims for what they have endured and removes the commercial gain made by the offender," she said.

Source: Thaivisa, by Nanchanok Wongsamuth, Guilbert, Editing by Belinda Goldsmith. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation


The many forms of law each have their own Latin terms, commonly seen are:
·         lex aeterna ‘Eternal law’ – Law made by the will of God, which is the rational guidance of all things by the Almighty. Classical natural law in jurisprudence places this as the highest form of law.
·         lex commissoria – Forfeiture clause for non-performance of a contract, especially (1) a provision that a pledge shall be forfeited if a loan is defaulted, or (2) a condition that money paid on a contract of sale shall be forfeited and the sale rescinded if outstanding payments are defaulted. Also known as a pactum commissorium.
·         lex causae ‘The law applicable to the dispute’  – The legal system selected by the court to govern the matter, where there is a conflict of laws
·         lex celebrationis ‘The law of celebration’  – Law of marriage
·         lex contractus ‘The law which governs a contract’
·         lex communis ‘Common law’  – Alternate form of ius commune. Refers to common facets of civil law that underlie all aspects of the law.
·         lex divina ‘Divine law’ – Law revealed to humans by the Scripture. Second highest form of law in classical natural law.
·         lex domicilii ‘The law of his domicile’ – Used by UK as a connecting factor where there is a conflict of laws. Cf. lex patriae
·         lex fori ‘The law of the court in which the trial is taking place’
·         lex humana ‘Human law’ – Classical natural law in jurisprudence regards this as the lowest form of law.
·         lex incorporationis ‘The law of incorporation’  – Regarding companies and shared
·         lex lata ‘The law borne’ – The law as it has been enacted.           
·         lex loci ‘The law of the place’ – The law of the country, state, or locality where the matter under litigation took place.
·         lex loci actus  ‘The law of the place of the act’  – The law of the place where the act was done
·         lex loci celebrationis ‘The law of the place where the contract is made’
·         lex loci delicti ‘The law of the place of delict’  – The law of the place where the tort was committed
·         lex loci solutionis  ‘The law of the place of the solution’  – The law of the place where a payment or performance of a contract is to be made
·         lex mercatoria  ‘The law of the merchant’  – The body of commercial law used by merchants throughout Europe during medieval times.
·         lex naturalis ‘Natural law’ – The participation of rational creatures in the eternal law, as they are given an amount of divine reason and are able to control their actions and the actions of others. Ranks above lex humana.
·         lex patriae ‘The law of nationality’  – Civil law jurisdictions use this as a connecting factor in cases where there is a conflict of laws. Cf. lex domicilii
·         lex posita ‘Positive or posited law’ – Law that is made
·         lex protectionis ‘The law of protection’  – Regarding the legal protection of an intellectual property right
·         lex scripta  – ‘Written law/codified law’
·         lex situs ‘The law of the site’ – Refers to the law of the place where land or some other thing is situated

 Source: SS Production, App.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Seven Thai female drug smugglers

Sanook reported that seven Thai women had been caught at Fukuoka airport in Japan trying to smuggle drugs.
Drug enforcement personnel and customs found more than a kilo of drugs that the women had shared between them and hidden in bags in their panties and other parts of their bodies. 
They had bought their tickets from a guide and appeared to be travelling on a group tour. 
They based their story on a Facebook post by Jaisuksakuldee Thanakorn who said that translators and a lawyer were helping the women who were due to appear in court. 
It happened around the end of last month. It remains to be seen what sentence they receive. What drug it was has not been revealed.
Also this month Sanook noted that a Thai woman had been stopped trying to enter Japan with cocaine. 
The media said that incidents like these may well have a detrimental effect on Thais travelling to Japan. 

Source: thaivisa forum

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


(1) To take or carry away a person illegally by force or persuasion. (2) To take away or detain unlawfully a female, intending to force her into marriage, concubinage, or prostitution. (3) For a woman to entice a husband to abandon his wife for her. abduction. See also kidnap, alienation of affections.

Anti-narcotics police seize ฿15 million cash and uncover huge money laundering operation

In multiple raids in Samut Prakan and Nonthaburi provinces yesterday, narcotic suppression officials seized about 15 million baht in cash and many valuables. They also uncovered several bank accounts, allegedly detailing drug money transfers totalling more than one billion baht.

Pol Lt-Gen Chinnapat Sarasin, commissioner of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau, said today (Wednesday) that police are looking for a couple, Mr. Naruphon and Ms. Patthama, who are suspected of laundering drug money for gangs, including the Mun Took Med gang, allegedly led by Pannawat “Ko Kae” (surname not disclosed) who is believed to be hiding in Myanmar.

In the raid, on a luxury house in a high-end housing estate in Bang Muang district of Samut Prakan province, the officials found 6.5 million baht in stacks of 1,000 baht bills stuffed in a suitcase on the ground floor and another 3 million baht in the couple’s bedroom, together with many luxury wristwatches and brand-name bags.

A subsequent search, of the house of a relative of Naruphon, uncovered 5.5 million baht in cash stuffed in a washing machine.

Pol Lt-Gen Chinnapat said yesterday’s raids followed the arrests of two men in Phitsanuloke province in September and the seizure of 500,000 methamphetamine tablets.  The subsequent investigation followed the trail of the gang to Mr. Naruphon, who is believed to be the chief financier and allegedly responsible for laundering drug money for several drug gangs.

Source: Thai PBS World / Kitipat Chuensukjit 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

News: 3 underage sex workers rescued in raids on 2 Ang Thog karaoke joints

Ronnarong Thipsiri, head of the Department of Provincial Administration's investigation and suppression division and Sakda Bandasak, sheriff of Ang Thong’s Muang district held a press conference on Monday (October 14) to announce the results of recent raids on a karaoke restaurant and a karaoke massage parlor in Ang Thong province, which were allegedly using under-age girls as prostitutes.
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Abrogate: meaning

To repeal, revoke, or end; particularly applies to laws, rights, orders, or formal agreements.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Natural Law: History

The use of natural law, in its various incarnations, has varied widely throughout history. There are a number of theories of natural law, that differ from each other with respect to the role that morality plays in determining the authority of legal norms. This article deals with its usages separately rather than attempt to unify them into a single theory.

Source:  Philosophy of law (“Application”) for mobile devices created by Kirill Sidorov.

News:Immigration police use biometric system to nab 3 fake passport holders

Pol Lt-General Sompong Chingduang, the Immigration Bureau commander, announced on Wednesday (October 9) that a total of three foreigners were stopped at Suvarnabhumi Airport in September after the biometric system revealed they had committed passport fraud.

“In the first case, immigration police arrested an Iranian man aged about 47 years holding a French passport and travelling from Germany to Thailand,” he said. “The biometric scanning showed only a 19-per-cent match between his face and passport photo, so we took him into custody.”

The man later confessed that he had bought the fake passport at a train station in France for 520 Euro (Bt17,300) to travel to Thailand and later to Japan to find a job.

The second case happened on the night of September 25, when the police arrested an unidentified Chinese man aged around 57 years holding a Myanmar passport. “The biometric scan identified that his passport’s Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) had been altered,” Sompong said. “The suspect later confessed that he bought the counterfeit passport from Rangoon for MMK 25,000 (Bt500) to travel to Thailand.”

Source: The Nation

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Natural Law : Judaism

Those who see biblical support for the doctrine of natural law often point to Abraham's interrogation of God on behalf of the iniquitous city of Sodom. Abraham even dares to tell the Most High that his plan to destroy the city (Genesis 18:25) would violate God’s own justice: “That be far from Thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, that so the righteous should be as the wicked; that be far from Thee; shall not the Judge of all the earth do justly?" This almost Socratic reply became for later writers the beginnings of natural rights theory. In this respect, natural law as described in the interaction between Abraham and God predates the later Greek exposition of it by Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle.

However, an even earlier set of laws is attributed to the Seven Laws of Noah. The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:

Not to worship idols.
Not to curse God.
To establish courts of justice.
Not to commit murder.
Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality.
Not to steal.
Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
According to the Genesis flood narrative, a deluge covered the whole world, killing every surface-dwelling creature except Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives, and the animals taken aboard Noah's Ark. According to this, all modern humans are descendants of Noah, thus the name Noahide Laws in reference to laws that apply to all of humanity. After the flood, God sealed a covenant with Noah with the following admonitions ( Genesis 9):

Flesh of a living animal: "Only flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.” (9:4)
Murder and courts: "And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it; and at the hand of man, even at the hand of every man's brother, will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made He man." (9:5-6)

Source: Philosophy of Law Kirill Sidorov

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News: Civil society group demands transparent investigation into judge’s suicide attempt

The Cross-Cultural Foundation has urged the Court of Justice to transfer all persons related to judge Khanakorn Pianchana’s supposed statement from their current posts and sought a comprehensive investigation into allegations of interference in the independence of a judge.

The foundation’s statement on Sunday (October 6) came in response to judge Khanakorn’s attempted suicide, alleging interference in his judgement in a criminal case that he was hearing. The judge reportedly shot himself in the Yala courtroom, apparently to protest against interference by his supervisor judges.

The foundation’s statement cited a 25-page statement reportedly published by Khanakorn on his Facebook before it was removed. The judge’s statement reportedly described his difficult situation and allegedly accused his supervisors of trying to alter the verdict in a criminal case he was hearing.

The foundation recounted the background of the legal case, which was elaborated in the 25-page document.

The case involved five defendants accused of committing a murder on June 11 in Yala province. 

One suspected criminal was arrested during martial law, which led to more arrests. Five suspects were eventually charged with the murder. The interrogation was done under special law before the case was transferred to normal justice procedure. Judge Khanakorn found the evidence weak against the defendants and wrote his verdict acquitting them of the crime. However, the judge’s supervisors reportedly intervened and ordered him to rewrite the verdict handing the death penalty to three defendants and life sentence to the other two.

The foundation believed that this series of events had led Khanakorn to attempt to kill himself.

It is widely believed that the 25-page document was written by Khanakorn. Court of Justice spokesman Suriya Hongwilai said on Friday that a preliminary enquiry revealed personal stress was the reason behind Khanakorn’s suicide attempt but the court would investigate further.

The Cross-Cultural Foundation said as it has supported the judicial process in the southern region for more than 15 years and the foundation found the 25-page statement important even though it was a one-sided narrative. The document needs to be examined further in order to find the truth for the public.

The foundation demanded three actions from the Court of Justice.

First, every person suspected of being involved in Khanakorn’s predicament must be transferred out of their posts in order to ensure a fair investigation and the designated inquiry team should also include outsiders.

The foundation called for an investigation into alleged special power which had led to the unfair trial of the suspects in the deep South as cited by Khanakorn.

The foundation stated that this was an important cae and it it would test the credibility of the Court of Justice. The court needed to look into alleged unfair trials in order to improve the process. The judicial body could not just dismiss the incident as a personal issue of the judge and leave people in frustration. The stakes are high as it could affect people’s trust in the justice system, the foundation added.


Meanwhile the Office of the Judiciary secretary-general, Sawawut Benjakul, visited Khanakorn at the hospital and said the judge was safe now and he could even converse. But Sarawut did not ask him about Friday’s incident. Sarawut reiterated the independence of the Court of Justice and that judges could make judgements without interference from anybody. He said the Judicial Commission would meet on Monday to look into this incident.

Many netizens expressed their support for Khanakorn while some blamed his action as driven by political motive, with the debate and hate speech on social media showing a very politically divided society.

Source: The Nation

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Sunday, October 6, 2019

News: Judge’s Protest by Attempted Suicide Shakes Judicial Authority

YALA — Thailand’s courts find themselves under intense scrutiny Friday after a judge shot himself to protest alleged interference in a trial that would have sent five men to death row.

Yala senior judge Khanakorn Pianchana pulled out a handgun and shot himself in the chest inside a courtroom moments after he acquitted five defendants of murder and firearm charges. In a court filing leaked on social media after his suicide attempt, Khanakorn said he was pressured by his supervisor to find the men guilty despite lack of evidence. 

Khanakorn’s statements were written inside a full court verdict, which is typically released to the press after a ruling. 

The judge said he was threatened by regional justice chief Permsak Saisrithong to deliver a guilty verdict on the five defendants, or Khanakorn himself would be placed under a disciplinary hearing if he disobeys. 

Khanakorn said he could not bring himself to condemn the men due to lack of hard evidence. If found guilty, the defendants would have faced death penalty. 

Source: Khaosode, Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Pro bono

Pro bono publico (English: for the public good; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment. Unlike traditional volunteerism, it is service that uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them.


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"Guilt" is the obligation of a person who has violated a moral standard to bear the sanctions imposed by that moral standard. In legal terms, guilt means having been found to have violated a criminal law, though law also raises 'the issue of defences, pleas, the mitigation of offences, and the defeasibility of claims'.


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Natural Law

Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a philosophy asserting that certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature, endowed by nature—traditionally by God or a transcendent source—and that these can be understood universally through human reason. As determined by nature, the law of nature is implied to be objective and universal; it exists independently of human understanding, and of the positive law of a given state, political order, legislature or society at large.

Historically, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze human nature to deduce binding rules of moral behavior from nature's or God's creation of reality and mankind. The concept of natural law was documented in ancient Greek philosophy, including Aristotle, and was referred to in Roman philosophy by Cicero. References to natural law are also found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, later expounded upon in the Middle Ages by Christian philosophers such as Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. The School of Salamanca made notable contributions during the Renaissance. Modern natural law theories were greatly developed in the Age of Enlightenment, combining inspiration from Roman law with philosophies like social contract theory. Key proponents were Alberico Gentili, Francisco Suárez, Richard Hooker, Thomas Hobbes, Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf, Matthew Hale, John Locke, Francis Hutcheson, Jean Jacques Burlamaqui, Emmerich de Vattel, Cesare Beccaria and Francesco Mario Pagano. It was used to challenge the divine right of kings, and became an alternative justification for the establishment of a social contract, positive law, and government—and thus legal rights—in the form of classical republicanism. Conversely, the concept of natural rights is used by others to challenge the legitimacy of all such establishments.

Contemporarily, the concept of natural law is closely related to the concept of natural rights. Indeed, many philosophers, jurists and scholars use natural law synonymously with natural rights (Latin: ius naturale), or natural justice. while others distinguish between natural law and natural right.

Because of the intersection between natural law and natural rights, natural law has been claimed or attributed as a key component in the United States Declaration of Independence (1776), the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) of France, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights (1953) of the Council of Europe.

News: Judge shoots self in court after being forced to change verdict

A judge, Mr. Kanakorn Pianchana, shot himself in the chest in an apparent suicide attempt after delivering a verdict in Yala’s provincial court this afternoon (Friday).

Spokesman for the court said that Mr. Kanakorn is now out of danger after being rushed to the provincial hospital, adding that the judge might be suffering from stress.

A statement, purportedly written by Mr. Kanakorn, has been widely shared on social media and claims that he had been approached by someone who forced him to change the not guilty verdicts against five defendants, condemning three of them to death and sending another two to prison, despite the lack of sufficient evidence to convict any of them.

The judge claims that other junior judges in the court of first instance, like him, are also subjected to the same pressure.

He complained about the unfair treatment of judges in the court of first instance, such as working after office hours to write the verdicts without overtime pay and being forbidden from working in a second job to earn extra income, unlike doctors who can work at their own clinics after finishing their work in hospitals.

In the statement, the judge also urged lawmakers to amend the judicial charter to prevent senior judges from screening the verdicts of the judges in the court of first instance before they are delivered in court.

Source: ThaiPBS, October 4, 2019

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Thursday, October 3, 2019

News: Cops Charge Driver in Crash That Killed 13 Students

BANGKOK — Police on Thursday pressed four criminal charges against a pickup truck driver behind a high-speed crash that killed 13 students earlier this week.

The charges filed against driver Nittaya Sukchan today include driving under the influence leading to deaths of others, investigators said, citing a lab result that reportedly showed an excessive amount of alcohol in his blood. 

Three other offenses were reckless driving, damage of properties, and allowing passengers to sit at the back of a pickup truck. 

Apart from the 13 students from a vocational college killed in the crash in Samut Prakan on Sunday, six people were also wounded including Nittaya. The driver was hospitalized after the incident. 

Speaking to police today, Nittaya said the students were being taunted by local gang members when he picked them up from a mor lam concert, so he sped away from the scene as soon as possible to avoid a confrontation. 

Nittaya also said he lost control of the vehicle when he was trying to overtake a car in front of him. 

The most serious charge Nittaya faces – fatal DUI – carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in jail. 

Source: Khaosod, Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter, October 3, 2019 5:50 pm. 

St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas (c. 1224/25–1274) propounded an influential systematization, maintaining that, though the eternal law of divine reason is unknowable to us in its perfection as it exists in God's mind, it is known to us in part not only by revelation but also by the operations of our reason.


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The Concept of Natural Law

Thomas Aquinas, a Catholic philosopher of the Middle Ages, revived and developed the concept of natural law from ancient Greek philosophy.

Abate - Def.


To decrease, reduce, or diminish; to end, dismiss, or temporarily suspend a lawsuit.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Driving down a dirt road through a rustic Isaan village, one sees concrete houses with garages and satellite dishes strewn all over the vast paddy field. If they don’t belong to the village headman or lotto winner, they must be owned by a mia farang.

A recently-published book by anthropologist Patcharin Lapanun argues that the interracial relationships between a Northeastern Thai women and a Western men do not only create a new generation of luk khrueng mixed-race, but also a new wave of middle class in these villages.

“The social category of mia farang could be read as an emerging class, characterized by enhanced consumption patterns and social recognition,” Patcharin said during a recent launch event of “Love, Money, and Obligation” (2019). “This class also generates tensions with the existing class divisions in the village.”

Her conclusion is the culmination of two years of fieldwork in Na Dokmai village, Udon Thani, where she interviewed more than 150 women married to farangs, known colloquially as mia farang.

But don’t get this seemingly disparaging term wrong. Patcharin found that these women do not simply fall in love with a foreigner because of their wealth or intimacy.

“Marriage between a Thai woman and a Western man is more complex than money or love,” Patcharin said. “It’s a matter of complex motivations and logics of desire that play a big part behind their union.”

Of course, her findings are anecdotal and may not be true for all couples, but she said her work aims to shed new light on interracial marriages with emphasis on how they impact the hometown of these wives.

The Rise of ‘Mia Farang Bourgeoisie’

Patcharin found that mia farang have created a new social class that resembles the urban middle class within their largely agrarian societies.

“These new class is determined by the distinctive consumption and social recognition,” Patcharin said.

As they have more purchasing power than most of the locals, the mixed-couples have brought greater economic activities to the villages, with grocery shops, internet cafes, and even a visa service agency sprung up to cater to their demands.

Their rise might be a boon to local business owners and landlords, but they are not welcomed by everyone. 

Some Isaan men loathe women married to foreigners as they are being edged out competitively from the race for sons-in-law, but also does the established local elites.

Although this conflict usually lies low, it rears it heads during certain social events, such as the pha pa merit-making ceremony.

Patcharin observed several instances where villagers would gather at a temple and donate money by hanging banknotes on a “money tree,” and found that mia farangs were the top contributors.

Such praise, which previously belonged to the elites, not only enhance acceptance of these women, but also shake social recognition of local elites who had been seen as a contributing nobleman, the researcher said.

Love, Money, and Obligation

Another central argument that she made is that motivations for interracial love are diverse and complex, thus the title of her book.

“It is not simply a shortcut to wealth, but a channel for women, their natal families, and rural residents to be involved in global processes and opportunities,” Patcharin contended. “It is a combination of various issues that get them married.”

In Isaan culture, the village is organized by matrilocal kinship system whereby son-in-laws are expected to support their wives by remitting money from their wages to upbring the household without earning the mantle of leadership.

However, as Isaan men masculinity has been associated – whether fairly or unfairly – with undesirable habits like drinking away family funds and cheating on their spouses, they are sometimes seen as a bad option for Isaan women.

“He [the local ex-husband] did not take any responsibility for the family and our children,” Nisa, 33, a divorced mother with a daughter said to the researcher. “What I went through could neither be corrected nor was there anything that could make me feel better about Thai men.”

“Believe me, many women [mia farangs] have the same experience,” Nisa added.

In her studies, more than half of the women she interviewed had been previously married to Thai men. Now they have turned their back on Isaan men and lived overseas with their pua farangs, who are mostly Europeans.

These foreign husbands might earn much more than Isaan men, but still, money is not the only factor in the interracial love formula.

“Women imagined Western men as a good family men and reliable provider,” Patcharin said. “They tend to spend time doing things together with their wives and children more than local men.”

But perhaps the most important factor is the obligation these women have to their natal families, which land them into marriage in the first place.

“One of the most important norms in Thai culture is the notion of bun khun and katunyu,” Patcharin said, referring to filial piety concepts in Thai which literally translate to “debt of gratitude” and “repayment of gratitude.”

“Women are expected to take care of their parents when they become sick or old. As they earn more from marriage, they can support their families and fulfil their duties as daughters.”

Source: Khaosod by Tappanai Boonbandit, Staff Reporter, October 2, 2019 3:17 pm


In many countries, people can be deprived of their liberty if they are convicted of criminal acts. The word "liberty" is often used in sloganssuch as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" or "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity".
Source: › wiki

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Human Rights

Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected as natural and legal rights in municipal and international law. ... The doctrine of human rights has been highly influential within international law and global and regional institutions.

Source: › wiki

abuse, child.

abuse, child.

Cruel treatment of a child.